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Late in the month, NASA finally addressed our issues regarding the closure of Station 3 at Kennedy Space Center and the loss of nearly 20 high-paying Union jobs.On Thursday, April 14th, TWU Local 525 will host a BBQ at CCAFS Fire Station #1. The main purpose of the BBQ is to help fund and purchase Teddy Bears for Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey's Teddy Bear Drop. This program gives first responders the ability to give out teddy bears to children involved in situations that result in officers and firemen showing up at a scene.Welcome to the new TWU 525 website.Contact My Elected RepresentativesTWU Member Help Request Form
Click here or scan the QR code to access the TWU Member Help Request Form
Absentee Ballot/Proxy Ballot
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TWU Local 525 Grievant Fact Sheet
Click here or scan the QR code to access the TWU Local 525 Grievant Fact Sheet